Cuerpo Tecnico de Investigacion

Technical Investigation Team
Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación
Abbreviation CTI
Agency overview
Preceding agency Judicial Police
Legal personality Governmental: Government agency
Jurisdictional structure
General nature
Operational structure
Headquarters Bogotá DC

The CTI (Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación, English: Technical Investigation Team) is a division of La Fiscalía General de la Nación (Office of the Attorney General of Colombia).


The main function for the CTI is to advise the Attorney General (Fiscal General) in the determination of policies and strategies related with the judicial police functions, in the topics as crime investigation, forensic services, genetic services and in the management of the technical and judicial information useful for penal investigation. [1]

Furthermore, the CTI takes care of planning, arranging, managing, controlling and executing the functions of Judicial Police in La Fiscalia. It organizes and controls the fulfillment of the investigation policies and strategies, forensic and genetic services and the management of useful data in the penal investigation inside the CTI.

Also, the CTI, advise the Attorney General (Fiscal General) in the planning of strategies and procedures related to security and communications in the different territorial levels of the bureau. CTI promotes the exchange of information among the Colombian security offices to develop operations against the delinquency.


The CTI has two branches: Investigation Division and Criminology Division. [2] The Investigation Division is organized in four divisions: Department of Investigation and National Units Support; Department of Criminal Analysis; Department of Telematic Control and Department of Security and Logistic Support. The Criminology Division is organized in two divisions: Department of Identity Verification and the Department of Criminology and Labs.

Moreover, the CTI is divided in Local Departments, which are small offices in every main city and every Colombian department.
